MIKE BLOOMFIELD "Live At McCabe's" (1977)

Recorded live at McCabe’s, Santa Monica, California
Producer : Denny Bruce
Mike Bloomfield : Guitar, Vocals
Mark Naftalin : Keyboards
Roger Troy : Bass, Vocals
Buell Neidlinger : Bass
Buddy Helm : Drums
Bob Jones : Drums
01. “Eyesight to the Blind” (4:15)
02. "Women Lovin' Each Other" (8.19)
03. “Linda Lu” (4:01)
04. “Kansas City Blues” (3:44)
05. "Toilet Story" (0.56)
06. "Frankie & Johnny" (4.38)
07. "Lord, Though I Am With Thee"="I'm With You Always" (3.38)
08. "Jockey Blues"="My Father Was A Jockey" (3.50)
09. "Blues In B Flat" (5.56)
10. “Darktown Strutter’s Ball/Mop Mop/Call Me A Dog” (4:06)
11. "Stagger Lee" (4.20)
12. “I'm Glad I'm Jewish” (3:11)
13. “Great Gifts From Heaven” (3:32)
14. “Between the Hard Place and the Ground” (7:07)
15. "Don't You Lie To Me" (3.30)
16. "Cherry Red" (4.40)
17. "Hymn Tune" (3.34)
18. “Uncle Bob's Barrelhouse Blues” (5:46)
19. “Wee Wee Hours”(7:25)
20. “Vamp in C” (4:13)
21. “Some of These Days” (2:34)
22. "A-Flat Boogaloo" (5.20)
23. “Hully Gully” (4.01)
24. “Wings Of An Angel” (3.55)
25. “Walkin’ The Floor” (4.23)
26. “Don’t You Lie To Me” (4.09)
27. “Junko Partner” (4.44)
28. “Knockin’ Myself Out” (3.45)
29. “Women Lovin’ Each Other” (4.43)
30. “Cherry Red” (3.45)
31. “RX For The Blues” (2.20)
32. “You Must Have Jesus” (5.36)
(01,06-08,11,12,15,17,21-22)CD "I'm With You Always" (1987-Demon Rec.)
(01,03-04,07-08,10,12-14,18-21)CD "Between The Hard Place & The Ground" (1990-Thunderbolt/Magnum)
(23-32)CD "American Hero"(1996-Thunderbolt) /"Rx For The Blues" (1996-Eclipse) / "Junko Partner" (2000-Fruit Tree)...

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