BARRY GOLDBERG "Recorded Live" (1976)

Recorded live (?)
Barry Goldberg : Keyboards, Vocals
Michael Bloomfield : Guitar, Vocals 1
Charlie Musselwhite : Harmonica
Harvey Mandel : Guitar
Vincent Bell : Guitar
Neil Merryweather: Bass
Eddie Hoh : Drums
01. “On the Road” (6.24) (One More Mile)
02. “Chicago My Hometown” (4.17) (Sweet Home Chicago)
03. “I Got A Woman (Dedication) (8.37)
04. “That’s Alright Mama” (4.17)
05. “Milk Cow (Muscrat)” (4.28)
06. “A Taste Of Honey (organ serenade)” (6.57)
07. “Josephine (Crying For You)” (4.33)
08. “Suzie Q” (6.10)
09. “Medley (California Earthquake)” (7.55)
10. “Blue Suede Shoes (Trying Too Hard)” (3.05)
(01-10)LP "Recorded Live - Barry Goldberg & Friends" (1976-Buddha Rec.)
(01-10)CD "Recorded Live - Barry Goldberg & Friends" (1993-Unidisc)
A fine record, but the applause is added on. It might still be a live recording, but it could be from a studio session just as well. It could also be from a much earlier date than 1976 (the release year), compared to the 1971 release of Barry Goldberg and Friends.
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